The future of the planet is at stake and organic farming is the only way to allow the environment in which we live to survive. The advantages in this respect would be different, biodiversity would be protected, water would no longer be polluted by pesticides, because organic farming does not contemplate them and, furthermore, organic farming respects animals and their well-being. From a nutritional point of view, an ORGANIC product will be more nutritious because vitamins, mineral salts and antioxidant substances will not be washed away by chemicals that are used in conventional agriculture.
Organic excludes the use of chemical agents given the impact not only on the human organism, but also on the environment, in fact the use of herbicides such as glyphosate have a strong impact on the ground by polluting aquifers and reducing soil biodiversity, and the use of chemical insecticides is seriously concerned about the progressive reduction of useful insects such as bees and other pollinators.
That is why we have been supporting organic farming for over 70 years, applying only natural techniques and methods to our crops with full respect for the environment, protecting and preserving biodiversity, while also respecting the health of consumers who are increasingly attentive to healthy eating.